samedi 23 octobre 2010

Magog - Magog (1974)

A bit of swiss jazz won't hurt. Founded by trumpeter Hans Kennel, this is a high level mix of complex conventional, fusion and experimental jazz. The album was recorded in November 1974 at the Tonstudio Bauer (in Ludwigsburg, Germany) and released on Japo Record in 1976. The album is fairly calm and soft all the way through with some energetic Fender Rhodes and trumpet blows. A mellow marriage which you will love I'm sure !

Songs / Tracks Listing:
  1. Lock
  2. Gogam
  3. Rhoades
  4. Der Bachstelzer
  5. Summervogel
  6. New Samba
Line-up / Musicians:
  • Hans Kennel / trumpet, flute, percussion
  • Andy Scherrer / soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone, flute, percussion
  • Paul Haag / trombone, percussion
  • Klaus Koenig / piano, electric piano, percussion
  • Peter Frei / bass
  • Peter Schmidlin / drums, percussion

5 commentaires:

  1. Thank you for your excellent and very interesting blog.

    Do you have any Toni Vescoli?
    Discography is here:
    Three tracks from one album are posted at the Strange Experience of Music blog (, it's very good.

    Also, I would like to request the 4 cd set Swiss Pop & Rock Anthology, or some Mundart albums that might be good.

  2. I there ! I have the Swiss Rock Anthology but I won't post it as I don't want to have copyright problems... I want to post the Vescoli's album but I don't have the LP and it isn't downloadable so we'll have to wait ! Regards

  3. Any chance of a re-up - I'd love to hear this album (and any Japo releases in fact). Can't find it anywhere else on the net. Thanks.

  4. please repostear this link it's missing error:)


Rarity Indication

Rather common



Very rare

Almost impossible to find !

Holy Grail !!!